[Websites] [Notes] [Practice problems] [Projects]
Acoustics PhD qualifying exam review site: website with everything I need to know for my qualifying exam.
ICA 2025 New Orleans: meeting website for the 25th International Congress on Acoustics and 188th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.
IntelliChoice SAT Math camp: this course originally served ~100 high school students in the DFW area during summer 2020 (COVID). Daily lessons and homeworks are now publicly available.
Wave Phenomena: my notes from Prof. Hamilton's course, spring 2024.
Bohr radius from variation principle: an elegant way of calculating the Bohr radius without looking at the Schrödinger equation. Based on class notes from Prof. Yuri Gartstein's Quantum I course at UTD.
Coriolis and centrifugal forces: slides on fictitious forces.
Fubini solution: The Fubini solution solves the lossless nonlinear approximate evolution equation (accurate to quadratic order) as a Fourier sine series from \(0 \leq \sigma < 1\), where \(\sigma\) is distance nondimensionalized by the shock-formation distance. The expansion coefficients \(B_n\) involve integrating over \(\theta\) from \(\theta = 0 \) to \(\theta = \pi\). The phase \(\Phi\) of the Fubini solution is given by the dimensionless phase of the lossless nonlinear approximate solution, \(\Phi = \theta + \sigma \sin(\Phi)\). This page answers the question, "Why does \(\Phi\) take on the same limits as \(\theta\) in the integration?"
Green's functions: working out the approach prescribed in Theoretical Acoustics by Morse and Ingard, I show that \(e^{ikR}/4\pi R\) solves the 3D inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation \((\Laplacian + k^2)f = -\delta(\vec{r}-\vec{r}_0)\). [How to directly integrate the first integral on the left-hand-side of Eq. (2)]. Here I re-derive Morse and Ingard's integral equation (7.1.17), which is the Helmholtz-Kirchhoff integral. This is a derivation of the Sommerfeld radiation condition. For more on Green's functions, see my notes from Prof. Hamilton's Wave Phenomena course.
Linear sound speed gradient: I use the calculus of variations to show that arcs of circles minimize the travel time between two points in a medium where the sound speed varies linearly (i.e., the upper ocean). This recovers the result in Acoustics: An Introduction to its Physical Principles and Applications by A. D. Pierce, Sec. 8-3.
Masala chai: traditional Indian tea
Planck quantities: based on Prof. Xiaoyan Shi's first Modern Physics lecture at UTD.
Radiation force: notes on how this force arises in mechanics, electrodynamics, and acoustics.
Thoughts on the 1D linear wave equation: thoughts from the first week of grad school. It turns out that d'Alembert, Euler, Bernoulli, and others had contentiously debated these very issues 250 years ago!
Virial theorem for a string: the virial theorem is relates the average kinetic energy of a system to its virial. In Acoustics I, we arrived at a special case of the theorem that showed that the kinetic and potential energies are equal for progressive waves on a string. I derive and apply the virial theorem to show the more general result.
Acoustics I practice problem: an entertaining practice problem I wrote while studying for my Acoustics I midterm exam. It involves a "Gaussian comb" pressure-amplitude profile. [solution].
Acoustics I practice problem: created in preparation for the Acoustics I final. [solution].
Acoustics II practice problem: starring me and Jackson, created in preparation for the Acoustics II midterm. [solution]. My Acoustics I/II practice problems resulted in a conference talk that I presented at the 183rd ASA, Nashville, TN.
Nonlinear acoustics study guide for midterm: problems that review the first half of Prof. Hamilton's nonlinear acoustics course. [solutions].
Nonlinear acoustics study guide for final: problems that review the second half of Prof. Hamilton's nonlinear acoustics course. [solutions].
Finite element replication of acoustic Dirac-like cone and double zero refractive index: term project for Prof. Michael Haberman's course on acoustic metamaterials, ME 397, fall 2021.
Pappus's theorem: interesting theorem derived for my end-of-semester group project in Prof. Mohammad Akbar's undergraduate geometry course at UTD, MATH 3321, summer 2020.
Theoretical Analysis of Ultrasonic Vortex Beam Generation with Single-Element Transducer and Phase Plate: term project for Prof. Michael Haberman's course on ultrasonics, ME/EE 384N, spring 2022.